Solapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti has been released by Maharashtra Solapur Municipal Corporation. There are a total of 226 vacancies needed for the Solapur Municipal Corporation Recruitment.
Those applicants interested in working with the Government of Maharashtra Solapur Municipal Corporation Institute can fill out the application. The application link is activated from 09 November 2023 to 20 December 2023.
The last date will be extended. Eligible Candidates can check out all the details regarding the Solapur Municipal Corporation Bharti 2023. Check the all details regarding this recruitment given below. For more updates visit our official website BiharOrg.

Apply to Solapur Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2024
- अर्ज हा ओन लाईन पद्धतीने करायचा आहे.
- अर्ज Solapur Municipal Corporation च्या पोर्टल द्वारा स्वीकारला जाईल.
- अर्जाची शेवटची दिनांक 20 डिसेबर 2023 आहे.
- अर्जाची माहिती अचूकपणे भरावी.
- अर्जाची शुल्क फी हि ओन लाईन भरावी.
- तुमचा अर्ज खालील दिलेल्या लिंक वर क्लिक करून भरायचा आहे.
- Solapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 साठी आवश्यक कागदपत्रे उपलोड करावीत.
- या भरती बद्दल अधिक माहिती साठी जाहिरात बघावी.
Solapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti Notification
Organization Name: | Solapur Municipal Corporation |
Total Posts: | 226 Vacancy |
Job Location: | Solapur [Maharashtra] |
Last Date Apply: | 20 December 2023 |
Apply Process: | Online |
Solapur Municipal Corporation Vacancy
Post Name | Total Post |
पर्यावरण संवर्धन अधिकारी | 01 |
मुख्य अग्निशामक अधिकारी/अधीक्षक अग्निशामक अधिकारी | 01 |
क्रीडाधिकारी | 01 |
कनिष्ठ अभियंता (आर्किटेक्चर) | 01 |
महिला व बाल विकास अधिकारी | 01 |
सहाय्यक कामगार कल्याण व जनसंपर्क अधिकारी | 01 |
उद्यान अधीक्षक | 01 |
पशु शल्यचिकित्सक/पशुवैद्यकीय अधिकारी | 01 |
सुरक्षा रक्षक uard 05 | 05 |
जीवशास्त्रज्ञ | 01 |
अनुरेखक (ट्रेसर) | 02 |
कनिष्ठ श्रेणी लिपिक | 70 |
स्टेनो टायपिस्ट | 02 |
नेटवर्क इंजिनिअर | 01 |
प्रयोगशाळा तंत्रज्ञ (लॅब टेक्निशियन) | 02 |
कनिष्ठ अभियंता (विद्युत) | 05 |
फायरमन | 35 |
आरोग्य निरीक्षक | 10 |
पंप ऑपरेटर | 20 |
पाईप फिटर व फिल्टर फिटर | 10 |
सहाय्यक प्रयोगशाळा तंत्रज्ञ | 01 |
सहाय्यक उद्यान अधीक्षक | 01 |
मिडवाईफ | 50 |
फायर मोटार मेकॅनिक | 01 |
समाजविकास अधिकारी | 01 |
कनिष्ठ अभियंता (ऑटोमोबाईल) | 01 |
Salary Solapur Municipal Corporation Bharti
Network Engineer | Rs.25,500/- to Rs.81,100/- per month |
Lab Technician | Rs.29,200/- to Rs.92,300/- per month |
Assistant Garden Superintendent | Rs.29,200/- to Rs.92,300/- per month |
Tracer | Rs.21,700/- to Rs.69,100/- per month |
Fire Engine Mechanic | Rs.19,900/- to Rs.63,200/- per month |
Midwife | Rs.25,500/- to Rs.81,100/- per month |
Relations Officer | Rs.29,200/- to Rs.92,300/- per month |
Health Inspector | Rs.29,200/- to Rs.92,300/- per month |
Assistant Laboratory Technician | Rs.19,900/- to Rs.63,200/- per month |
Pump Operator | Rs.19,900/- to Rs.63,200/- per month |
Pipe fitter and filter fitter | Rs.19,900/- to Rs.63,200/- per month |
Junior Grade Clerk | Rs.19,900/- to Rs.63,200/- per month |
Steno-typist | Rs.25,500/- to Rs.81,100/- per month |
Security Guard | Rs.18,000/- to Rs.56,900/- per month |
Junior Engineer (Automobile) | Rs.38,600/- to Rs.1,22,800/- per month |
Fireman | Rs.15,000/- to Rs.47,600/- per month |
Environment Conservation Officer | Rs.56,100/- to Rs.1,77,500/- per month |
Garden Superintendent | Rs.41,800/- to Rs.1,32,300/- per month |
Sports Officer | Rs.41,800/- to Rs.1,32,300/- per month |
Junior Engineer (Architecture) | Rs.38,600/- to Rs.1,22,800/- per month |
Women and Child Development Officer | Rs.41,800/- to Rs.1,32,300/- per month |
Junior Engineer (Electrical) | Rs.38,600/- to Rs.1,22,800/- per month |
Biologist | Rs.41,800/- to Rs.1,32,300/- per month |
Chief Fire Officer/Superintendent Fire Officer | Rs.56,100/- to Rs.1,77,500/- per month |
Social Development Officer | Rs.41,800/- to Rs.1,32,300/- per month |
Veterinary Surgeon/Veterinary Officer | Rs.56,100/- to Rs.1,77,500/- per month |
Eligibility for Solapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti
Those candidates are interested in Solapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 check out the all details given below and the advertisement of Solapur Mahanagarpalika.
Education Qualification
The Education was different for all vacancies, applicants check their eligibility in the official notification of Solapur Municipal Recruitment 2023.
Application Fees
- General Category: Rs.1000/-
- Reserved Category: Rs.900/-
Age Limit
The age limit is 18 years to 38 years old.
Read More Vacancy